Do you want to take control of your money but need 1:1 support?

Then I've created Confident Money Mastermind - JUST FOR YOU! 💜


Before I tell you about this life changing program, let me tell you who it's for...

Whether you have tried other programs in the past or are new to getting your finances together...

This is for you if you......

  • want to save and pay off debt but haven't made much if any progress on your own.
  • need someone to help you 1:1 for personalized suggestions instead of general guidance.
  • don't want to get lost in a large group setting but would like a small group you can connect with.
  • are ready to make lasting changes but you aren't sure what the right steps are to take.

The Confident Money Mastermind is a small group mastermind with 1:1 support –– the best of both worlds!

With Ashley's personalized help I have overcome my own stumbling blocks and started a budget that works for me. She is so knowledgeable and creates a judgement free zone that makes learning easy.

— Stephanie

How this mastermind will work....

To get started....

📌 Fill out the application.
🤝 Quick 15 min chat to make sure it's the right fit for you
🌠 Official invitation to join
💵 Checkout and you're in!

⭐️ You will have access to the mastermind for 6 months.

Each month will include:

📚 1:1 45min Session w/Ashley
📚 Focused learning theme
📚 Group Coaching Q&A Session
📚 2 Coworking Sessions
📱 Voxer Access to Ashley
📱 Facebook group

🗓 This cohort will run from March 2024 through August 2024.

>>There will ONLY be 10 members accepted for this cohort.<<

What's included....

  • 1:1 Monthly Meetings w/Ashley so you can get personalized feedback and advice for your specific situation. No more wondering if you are doing the right steps for YOU!
  • Monthly Group Coaching so you can connect with others going through the same or similar things as you –– so you don't feel alone!
  • Biweekly Co-working Sessions so you can take action and have the accountability to show up and get stuff done.
  • Voxer Access to Ashley so you can ask quick questions in between sessions so you don't stay stuck!
  • Facebook community so you can connect with others in the mastermind, ask questions, and get support.

🤩 Plus you'll work on.....

During the 6 months you will learn and take action on the following topics....

Month 1

Set up a realistic money plan and an action plan to actually stick to it!

Month 2

Create a debt pay off plan to get your debt paid off in the next 2-3 years.

Month 3

Focus on creating realistic habits and routines that will help you stick to the money plan over time.

Month 4

Identify & change limiting beliefs that are keeping you from making progress.

Month 5

Working with your partner and family to reach those big goals and leave a legacy for them.

Month 6

Planning for the next 6 months and making sure you stay on track!

Let's take a closer look inside the Confident Money Mastermind...

Monthly 1:1 45min Sessions with Ashley

Get the individual attention you need to get unstuck and moving toward your money goals....

So you can...

  • Get personalized suggestions on your unique situation
  • Stop wondering what to do next
  • Have an experienced money coach in your back pocket to give you the push you need and help you get it done!

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions

Get your questions answered and get unstuck with a small group.

So you can...

  • Get unstuck and get moving in between your 1:1 sessions
  • See that you are NOT alone!
  • Get answers to the questions you haven't asked yet!

Voxer Access to Ashley

During normal business hours, you can contact Ashley via Voxer walkie-talkie app to get answers to quick questions.

So you...

  • Can quickly clarify any questions from your 1:1 meetings and follow up without waiting a month!
  • Don't have to wait to take action!
  • Get support to keep moving and not get stuck on what to do next!

Small Facebook Group

Connect with the other members in the mastermind so you can brainstorm ideas and get answers to your burning questions.

So you...

  • Can build that support system to help you going over the long haul and not just a few days at a time
  • See that you aren't the only one that needs help
  • build your confidence in a small group setting so you don't get lost in the shuffle.

Hi, I'm Ashley, and my goal is to help overwhelmed women get their finances together so they can have more OPTIONS in life!

I am Ashley Patrick, money coach, and founder of Budgets Made Easy.

I was able to pay off $45,000 in just 17 months. I am a Master Financial Coach and help women like you implement simple strategies to pay off debt and save money so you can finally live the life you want.

It's time to stop beating yourself up about your past mistakes and start looking forward!

You deserve to be debt-free!

You may have seen me on....


What if I've tried to budget before, will this work for me?

This is the exact system that I used to pay off $45,000 in 17 months. What I find when people say that a budget doesn't work is that they are missing a critical piece in either planning or implementing or both. During this program, I will be reviewing your money plan to help you find those missing pieces.

Do you offer refunds?

No, this is a coaching program and would be impossible to return.

What if I can't make everything live?

No worries! All group sessions will be recorded and placed in your dashboard. All videos are searchable and also come with a transcript for faster listening.

Why do I have to fill out an application?

Since I am only accepting 10 people for this mastermind, I have to make sure that everyone is a good fit for this program.

Is this included in the All Access Pass?

No. Since this is a 1:1 coaching program, it is NOT included with the All Access Pass.

What is the cost of the mastermind?

You will have 2 options to pay for the program. You can choose to pay monthly for 6 months for $297 a month or you can pay in full for $1497 and save $285!

Can I cancel after the program starts?

No. By committing to join, you are committing to the full 6 month program. I am offering a payment plan to make it easier for you to join. By joining, you are committing to paying for the full 6 months.

What is a mastermind?

A mastermind is a small group of people working on similar goals and in similar stages to help each other succeed.

Will this be open again in the future?

Yes! Applications will open again in August 2024.

By filling out the application, am I committing to join?

Nope! Your spot will not be locked in until you pay. We both need to make sure this program is a good fit for you and the application will help with that process. Once I review the application, we will have a quick call to discuss. Then you can decide for sure if this program is right for you!

Applications are closing soon!

  • 6 Months Inside Confident Money Mastermind so you can stay consistent and on track while creating and implementing your realistic money plan.
  • 1:1 Monthly Meetings w/Ashley so you can get personalized feedback and advice for your specific situation. No more wondering if you are doing the right steps for YOU!
  • Monthly Group Coaching so you can connect with others going through the same or similar things as you –– so you don't feel alone!
  • Biweekly Co-working Sessions so you can take action and have the accountability to show up and get stuff done.
  • Voxer Access to Ashley so you can ask quick questions in between sessions so you don't stay stuck!
  • Facebook community so you can connect with others in the mastermind, ask questions, and get support.

I can't wait to hear from you! I know the Confident Money Mastermind is going to help you build your confidence around money and pay off debt fast.

We are better together!

-Ashley (Your Budget Bestie) 💜

© 2024 Patrick Consulting, LLC - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions | Budgets Made Easy®

All stories, examples, testimonials, and real life debt pay off stories are examples of success meant to inspire and encourage you and are not a guarantee of your success.